Francesco Vermiglio, Emeritus Professor of Economia Aziendale at the University of Messina, where he has taught Business Administration and Business Valuation since 2015. He has also taught Cost Analysis and Accounting at LUISS Guido Carli from 1991 to 2007.
Prof. Vermiglio established the first nationwide study group dedicated to the research and definition of standards for social and sustainability reporting (GBS - Gruppo di Studio per il Bilancio Sociale).
He actively worked for the main Italian public institutions in the field of accounting – as chairman of the Commission for Social Reporting of NPOs established by the National Council of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts, and as Executive Committee member of the OIC - Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC), the Italian Accounting Standard Setter.
In March 2014, he was appointed by the Holy Father as the first and only Italian lay member on the Council for the Economy designated by H.H. Pope Francis for the reorganization of the Holy See's finances.
He has participated as a speaker and chaired numerous national and international conferences on accounting. He is honorary member of the main Italian academies and scientific societies in the field of economics and business - AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economics, SIDREA (Italian Society of Teachers of Accounting and of Business Economics), SISR (Italian Society for the History of Accounting), within which he has held coordinating roles in various study groups.

Full Professor of Accounting and Control at the University of Ottawa, Cheryl brings the study of commerce and the varieties of capitalism to the classroom. Editor of Accounting History Review, and associate editor of Accounting Perspectives, she is also member of the editorial boards of Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, and Accounting Historians Journal. Cheryl has been active in a variety of professional and international research organisations, including most recently on the executive and as president of the AHMO and CAAA. In August 2023, she was promoted to Departmental Editor at the Journal of Operations Management after serving as associate editor of the journal since 2014. This promotion recognises her efforts to support and develop interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Cheryl’s research focuses on accounting and its implication in diverse social, cultural, and multi-faceted institutional contexts, from eighteenth-century mercantilism to twentieth-century psychiatric practice. Her edited volume, Mercantilism, Account Keeping and the Periphery-Core Relationship (2019), demonstrates the transdisciplinary nature of her research collaborations. Currently, with her longstanding colleague, Yannick Lemarchand, she is preparing a monograph, Accounting Narrative and the Slave Trade: The Work, Life and Times of Claude Gaignat, 1719-1791, to be published with Routledge in 2025.

Massimo Sargiacomo is Professor of Accounting at the Department of Management and Business Administration of University G.d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy ( In his University Prof. Sargiacomo has hold the position of Vice-Rector to Administration and Management, and he is still Director of the Phd in ‘Accounting, Management and Business Economics’. Massimo is President of the Italian Society of Accounting History (2021-23, and a prior President of the Academy of Accounting Historians (2013-2015), section of the American Accounting Association ( Importantly, he has been Chairman of the XIV World Congress of Accounting Historians.
His researches have been published on several journals, including: Accounting, Organizations and Society; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting Forum; Accounting Historians Journal; Accounting History; Accounting History Review; Accounting Horizons; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; European Accounting Review, Public Management Review and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He has been the winner of the Best Manuscript Award in Accounting History 2009, as well of the Honorable Mention on Accounting History Review 2018. Massimo has been the recipient of the Thomas Burns Biographical Research Award both in 2013 and in 2022, as well of the 2016 Hourglass Award in Accounting History.
Accounting [in] History over time, space, and subjects: tradition, innovation, and hybridisation
Accounting history has become an increasingly prominent field of research, with an emphasis on the historical and social setting in which accounting practices and ideas develop. Accounting history is also more interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and methodologies from fields such as economics, management, finance, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. At the same time, it is transnational, with more research co-authored by scholars coming from different countries, with their own identities, backgrounds, hybridising approaches and scientific advances.
Accounting, rather than seen as a purely technical practice, is a social and cultural phenomenon that is shaped by its historical and institutional context. At the same time, it inevitably moulds people, organisations, and societies. In this perspective, the examination of multi-faceted social and institutional contexts through an accounting lens can enhance knowledge, thus helping to explain current dynamics and events and, at the same time, contributing to understanding and managing inevitable change.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together scholars from different scientific backgrounds and countries, encouraging interdisciplinary and cross-national collaborations and/or research, exploring the historical development of accounting, discussing future trends in the field, and addressing new challenges. Theoretical, empirical and review papers are therefore welcomed in all areas of accounting history.
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: June 24, 2023 (Extended abstract not exceeding one page)
Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2023
Full or short paper submission: August 31, 2023
Workshop Dates: September 28-29, 2023

Accounting History Review is an international forum for research into the history of accounting thought, practice, and institutions. Our primary goal is the publication of scholarly articles that investigate accounting and its implication in diverse social, cultural, and multi-faceted institutional contexts across space and time.
Accounting History Review is of interest not only to accounting historians but also specialists in other disciplinary areas of history and management in view of the pervasive and central role played by accounting in organisations. This scope is reflected in the membership of the journal’s Editorial Board and its readership.
Accounting History Review welcomes research into the history of accounting and historical accounts which inform and are informed by broader historiographical debates.

The local Studiorum Universitas was formally established by Pope Paul III in November 1548, although the city of the Strait boasts an ancient cultural tradition as well as a teaching tradition connected to a law school in the late 13th century and a well-known Greek school in the 15th century.
University of Messina is one of the oldest and most prestigious universitites in Italy. It enjoys a long tradition as a driving force in the Mediterranean area with a strong orientation towards internationalisation, innovation and quality of teaching and research. Situated in the heart of the city, the university has several campuses, including one in the historic centre and another in the northern part of the town.
On September 28-29, 1998 the University of Messina organised the International Workshop on Accounting History “Evolution and Perspective of Accounting in Different Countries”, held in Taormina.