Pubblicazioni scientifiche

  1. Bragatto, P., Vairo, T., Milazzo, M.F., Fabiano, B. 2021. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the safety management in Italian Seveso industries. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 70, 104393.
  2. Vairo, T., Reverberi, A.P., Bragatto, P.A., Milazzo, M.F., Fabiano, B. 2021. Predictive model and soft sensors application to dynamic process operative control.  Chemical Engineering Transactions, 86, pp. 535-540.
  3. Ancione, G., Milazzo, M.F. 2021. The Management of Na-Tech Risk Using Bayesian Network. Water, 13, 1966.
  4.  Ancione, G., Bragatto, P.A., Milazzo, M.F., 2022. Visualization of the Bottom Deterioration of Atmospheric Storage Tanks by Combining Prediction and Interpolation Models.  Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, pp. 271-276. DOI: 10.3303/CET2291046
  5. Milazzo, M.F., Bragatto, P.A., Bartolozzi, V., Vairo, T., Fabiano, B. 2022. Dynamic Assessment of the Probability of Release Caused by Equipment Deterioration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, pp. 229-234. DOI:10.3303/CET2291039
  6. Vairo, T., Benvenuto, A.C., Tedeschi, A., Fabiano, B. 2022 Make Bow-tie Dynamic by Rethinking it as a Hierarchical Bayesian Network. Dynamic Risk  Assessment of an LNG Bunkering Operation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, pp. 277-282. DOI:10.3303/CET2291039
  7. Vairo, T., Bragatto, P., Milazzo, M.F., Pettinato, M., Fabiano, B. 2022, DYN-RISK- Design and Development of a Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 90, pp. 325–330.
  8. Vairo, T., Cademartori, D., Carpanese, M.P., Clematis, D., Barbucci, A., Fabiano, B. 2022, Fuel Cells for Shipping. An Approach towards Dynamic Safety Assessment. Chemical Engineering  Transactions, 2022, 90, pp. 331–336.
  9. Vairo, T., Magrì, S., Reverberi, A.P., Fabiano, B. 2022, Hazardous Spray Release from a Pipeline under Maintenance: Causes and Lessons Learned by a Combined Accident Analysis Perspective. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, 90, pp. 667– 672.
  10. Fabiano, B., Pettinato, M., Currò, F., Reverberi, A.P. 2022, A field study on human factor and safety performances in a downstream oil industry Safety Science, 2022, 153, 
  11. Vairo, T.Pettinato, M.Reverberi, A.P.Milazzo, M.F.Fabiano, B. 2023, An approach towards the implementation of a reliable resilience model based on machine learning.Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 172, pp. 632–641
  12. Ancione, G., Bragatto, P.A., Milazzo, M.F., 2023. Monitoring Equipment Corrosion due to Sour Crude Oils: a Bayesian Approach.  Chemical Engineering Transactions, [Accepted]
  13. Ancione, G., Saitta, R., Bragatto, P.A., Fiumara, G., Milazzo, M.F., 2023. Prediction and visualisation of equipment ageing by a Virtual Sensor. Chemical Engineering Transactions, [Accepted]