PhD thesis award and Mario Sannino award
PhD thesis award
PhD theses, whose topics fall within one of the seven SIE research areas and which have been defended between June 1, 2022 and May 31, 2023, will be evaluated by a purposely nominated Award Committee.
The deadline for the submission is June 30 (Friday), 2023.
The PhD Thesis must be sent by e-mail to using “Invio tesi dottorato SIE2023” as the subject.
A confirmation mail will be sent as a confirmation of the receipt. Please contact the SIE2023 organizer in the case in which the receipt is not received within 48 hours.
The winners will be contacted by July 17 (Monday), 2023. No meeting registration is required both to participate and, for the winners, to receive the award on September 8 (Friday), 2023 in the morning.
Mario Sannino Award
The Award, established in 2001, is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Mario Sannino, professor of electronics at the University of Palermo and member of M.E.C.S.A..
The Award honors the best briefs in the field micro- and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems, that have young researchers (with less than 35 years) as authors and are presented to the Annual Meetings of SocietĂ Italiana di Elettronica (formerly Gruppo Nazionale di Elettronica â GE) and at National Meeting of Electromagnetism â Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo (RiNEm).