

ALLEN Martin, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge.

EMC and early medieval coin finds at Rendlesham, Suffolk

Since 2008 there has been a systematic archaeological and metal detecting survey of the Naunton Hall estate at Rendlesham, Suffolk, which was the site of a royal hall of the early Anglo-Saxon kings of East Anglia buried at Sutton Hoo. In November 2017 this became the basis of a research project (hosted by University College London and funded by the Leverhulme Trust), Lordship and Landscape in East Anglia AD 400−800. One of the most important elements in the data for this project is the exceptionally large number of early medieval gold and silver coins found by metal detectorists at Rendlesham and recorded in the Fitzwilliam Museum’s online Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds (EMC), which has recently been redesigned (https://emc.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk).


BROWN Andrew, The British Museum, London,  

MOORHEAD Sam, The British Museum, London.

Coins as Archaeological Artefacts: exploiting the 300,000 Roman coins on the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) database

Since the last major analysis of PAS Roman coin data, by Philippa Walton in 2012, the PAS dataset has more than quadrupled in size. This huge increase in material has led to greater co-operation between detectorists and the PAS, and by extension increased understanding of the importance of recording. As a result we have been able to identify new and rare types for Britannia, discrete groups of coins accessible to academic research, as well as, on occasion, completely new types or variants in both the Iron Age and Roman periods. Although the purely numismatic potential of the PAS data is clear, as Walton’s analysis demonstrated, extensive datasets with good provenance are of huge archaeological significance to our understanding of the province’s development.

With c.300,000 Roman coins now recorded it is therefore time to reassess what this data means, what it tells us about our province, and how we might be able to use the data archaeologically as well as numismatically. This paper will explore the distribution of Roman coin finds nationally to demonstrate how big datasets, when interrogated thoroughly, can reveal trends what might otherwise be missed when focussing on individual sites or assemblages. It will highlight the proportional increase geographically of parishes, regions, and landscapes that are represented within the PAS data as well as the presence of increasing numbers of sites with extremely large datasets. 

By considering this data as a whole we will present a preliminary reassessment, or update, on Walton’s 2012 study, highlighting the importance of best practice in recording extensive Roman coin data and raising the question of how such large datasets can be interrogated to reveal their best archaeological potential.


BURSCHE Aleksander, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw,

BODZEK Jarosław, Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

Finds of Roman Coins from Poland and lands connected historically with PL (FRC PL) – final report

FRC PL was a project of the University of Warsaw financed by the Ministry of Science and High Education in Poland within the framework of the National Program for the Development of the Humanities curried out in 2013-2018. It was directed by Professor Aleksander Bursche.

The web database https://coindb-prod.ocean.icm.edu.pl/AFE_PL, based on the AFE platform, was developed by Dr. Kartsen Tolle from the Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, in cooperation with Dr. David Wigg-Wolf from the RÜmisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.

Work on collecting of data, data entry and editing was carried out by 10 Polish numismatics, archaeologists and ancient historians from the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań), the Jagiellonian University (Kraków), the Ossoliński National Institute (Wrocław), the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Toruń) and the University of Warsaw.

Currently the data-base owed more than 41 500 records, including many scans and photograps. The data were fully entered from the following regions: Małopolska, Wielkopolska, Central Poland, north-eastern Poland, north-western Ukraine (former Polish Galicja) and Kaliningradska oblast in Russia. The data from three other Polish regions having already their own published corpora (Pomerania, Silesia and Eastern Poland), have been entered in part and will be supplemented in the future.
The FRC PL data-base uses Nomisma.org standards, gives different search possibilities, has got statistical and cartographic tools, and gives a possibility to edit in MS Excel. It is compatible with the German FundmĂźnze der Antike project tools. It is installed at the server of the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw having 24 hours back-up.


CALTABIANO Maria, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina,

SALAMONE Grazia, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina.

The standardisation of the iconographic description: the codification of the scenes

D.I.A.N.A., the Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity was designed to reconstruct “the development of the iconographic subjects on coins” and the “stratigraphic representation of their meanings, according to time and space”. As it is known we have categorized the iconographic subjects in 4 different categories of homologous groups (PERSONAGES, ANIMALS AND MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES, FLORA,  OBJECTS). Currently we are trying to define the fifth macro-category: ‘THEMATA’, not considered yet in our Atlas due to its complexity that requires a different kind of record displaying its characteristics. It includes coin types, mainly Roman ones, which are often identified by their coin legend (e.g., adlocutio, adventus, princeps iuventutis  etc., and in most cases these are complex scenes with different main subjects. We also look at instances of semantic interference represented by the use of the same icon in connection with a variety of legends, or vice versa of the same legend in connection with a variety of images. The complexity of this system of communication must be translated into the choice of suitable entries, based exclusively on the iconographies and not, as often happens, on interpretations of or symbolism connected to the images.


CARBONE Federico, Università degli Studi di Salerno, 

CANTILENA Renata, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Salerno,

PARDINI Giacomo, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Salerno.

Coin finds, contexts and data management between Pompeii and Velia

The recent excavations in the archaeological areas of Pompeii and Velia give a huge amount of coins, currently being studied by the numismatists of the Department of Sciences for Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno.

The articulated nature of the contexts and the material offers elements to understand the economic dynamics of the two cities, also in relation to other local realities: if the case of Pompeii regards a city without its own currency, Velia is characterized by a mint in activity until at the end of the I BC.

The research that starts from the study and interpretation of the monetary species and their contexts of discovery, highlights what are the criticalities of the management of a large amount of data and information, and their elaboration.

In this regard, the computerized management of data was necessary, also supported by the implementation of the Numishare system, currently undergoing testing. The purpose is to integrate data for the interpretation of coins as archaeological finds, based on information concerning the nature and conditions of the contexts.

This approach makes it possible to achieve both the objectives of the research with the systematization of the available documentation, the interpretation of the nature of the discoveries and the characteristics of the coin production and circulation, as well as the protection and valorisation needs, thanks to access to documentation otherwise unavailable and often submerged in archaeological deposits.


CASTRIZIO Daniele, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina,

RENDA Vincenzo, CNR, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR-IPCF, Sez. di Messina,

FILOCAMO Andrea, DiGiES, UniversitĂ  Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria,

GIUFFRIDA Dario, CNR, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR-IPCF, Sez. di Messina, 

PONTERIO Rosa, CNR, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR-IPCF, Sez. di Messina.

Laser micro-profilometry and 3D modelling applied on two ancient coins

The research work involved two bronze coins. The oldest is a unicum of the Taisia / Taurianum mint, and it can be dated to the Second Punic War. The most recent is a rare denarius of the 12th century Kingdom of Jerusalem, found in a treasure buried in Reggio in the 15th century. These are two very important coins from the historical and numismatic point of view, which are not very easily legible, due to consumption. The contribution of the new technique allowed to confirm the attributions and to make the monetary typology more comprehensible.


CELESTI Antonio, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra (MIFT), UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina,

CALTABIANO Maria, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina,

PUGLISI Mariangela, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina.

Towards a Federated Cloud-Based Coin Archive Able to Drive Big Data Analytics and Visualization in Numismatics: the DIANA Approach

The “Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity” (DIANA) aims at providing a powerful tool for the in-deep analysis of ancient mints specifically considering coin iconography, chronology, and geographical location. In particular, thanks to its new innovative Graphical User Interface (GUI) and system back-end, DIANA allows researchers a smarter diachronic study of the ancient culture according to mints and coin iconography. Recently, a new Cloud-based DIANA architecture was re-engineered extending the well-known Drupal platform in order promote a federated Cloud-based environments of cooperating coin archives. This is possible by providing support for data interchange by means of RESTful web services, data import/export mechanisms in different formats (including the comma-separated values (CSV)) and linked data features. Furthermore, DIANA plans to provide in the near future also support for big iconographic data analytics leveraging recent NoSQL and Machine Learning (ML) approaches. Therefore, the DIANA project aims to pave the way towards the creation of world-wild federated environment of coin archives able to drive and speed-up the research in numismatics.


DEVOTO Claudia, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina,

ANTONELLI Chiara, Sapienza, UniversitĂ  di Roma.

Database e monete in contesto: due casi studio da Pompei (Poster)

Il presente contributo nasce dal lavoro di restauro, analisi e catalogazione effettuato sulle monete provenienti dagli scavi condotti dall’UniversitĂ  La Sapienza presso il Foro Triangolare e la Casa delle Nozze di Ercole a Pompei: l’attivitĂ  è stata svolta nell’ambito dei laboratori organizzati dalla cattedra di Numismatica antica, in collaborazione con l’ĂŠquipe degli scavi Sapienza a Pompei, ed ha permesso di analizzare circa 550 monete.

Alla luce dell’ormai evidente processo di informatizzazione della documentazione archeologica, e più in generale, dell’uso dell’informatica applicata all’archeologia, inserito nel concetto moderno di Humanities Computing o Digital Humanities  è stato creato allo scopo un database adatto allo studio delle monete in questione, in modo da snellire ed uniformare il lavoro di catalogazione e permettere di ottenere, attraverso comandi impostati appositamente in linguaggio informatico, dati e risultati statistici e non, su cui poter basare ulteriori analisi, sottolineando i rapporti tra manufatti in termini crono-tipologici e la stratigrafia di riferimento.

In questo modo si è ottenuta da un lato la opportunità di creare un catalogo dei materiali, dall’altro la possibilità di effettuare rapidamente, tramite queries, analisi quantitative e statistiche sulla base della metodologia definita, utilizzando la piattaforma informatica realizzata. Le monete possono essere così raggruppate, ad esempio, per tipologia, per cronologia o per US di rinvenimento: in questo modo, è possibile innanzitutto inserire agevolmente il materiale numismatico nella stratigrafia di riferimento, tenendo in considerazione rapporti tra gli altri manufatti e le monete, sia in ordine di cronologia assoluta che relativa. In questa sede l’intento è quello di presentare i dati preliminari della ricerca, che potranno essere confrontati con quelli già noti sulla circolazione monetale a Pompei, andandone così ad integrare il quadro d’insieme.


DROST Vincent, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.

“Trouvailles monétaires” digital program: an update

“Trouvailles monétaires” is a research program supported by the Bibliothèque nationale de France since 1978. Originally, its aim had been to study and publish important coin hoards in the Trésors monétaires series (27 volumes). Since 2016, the program has taken a new and more ambitious orientation, namely the implementation of a database intended for recording all coin hoards from France, from Antiquity to the modern period. The recording of single finds is also expected on the long term.
The database is being designed according to TEI standards as part of a partnership between the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the UniversitÊ de Caen. A data format has been produced and a demonstrator is now available. Besides, a significant dataset has been gathered. General information on more than 5,000 hoards have been recorded so far from publications and archives. This paper aims at presenting the work achieved so far by the program and the challenges it will face in the future: creating an online database, completing the data, setting up national and international cooperation.


DUYRAT, FrÊdÊrique, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 

GOZALBES, Manuel, Museu de Prehistoria, València, 

MEADOWS, Andrew, New College, Oxford,

OLIVIER, Julien, Bibliothèque nationale de France.

The ARCH project

Collective paper on the ongoing ARCH project for the creation of an online portal on Greek coinage.


GOZALBES, Manuel, Museu de Prehistoria, València,

ONIELFA VENEROS, Juan Francisco, Museu de Prehistoria, València, 

PEÑA, Alejandro, Museu de Prehistoria, València 

RIPOLLÈS, Pere Pau, Universitat de València.

The creation of a hybrid, hierarchical and friendly system to represent legends in monedaiberica.org

How to display ancient scripts in databases and browsers for numismatic research? The monedaiberica.org catalogue within the ARCH project (Ancient Coinages as Related Cultural Heritage) had to face this challenge. Ancient Iberian coins depict five regular scripts, Greek, Punic, Latin and two Iberian systems, besides singular glyphs and countermarks. The international Unicode system does not provide a solution for our purposes due to its normalised nature and its limited flexibility to incorporate odd signs. In many cases, poorly engraved characters are not suitable for a systematisation, while in other, glyphs are hard to identify or have an uncertain phonetic value. Dealing with this massive set of forms, where both Unicode characters and non-standardised glyphs are necessary to represent coin inscriptions, has been a challenge while building the MIB management system. Under these circumstances the solution adopted was to mix normalised Unicode fonts with .svg drawings organised in several thesauri. The researcher can describe coins by using hybrid legends that are readable and searchable under any browser.


GRUBER, Ethan, American Numismatic Society, New York.

Eight Years of Nomisma.org: Past, Present, and Future

Nomisma.org is an international collaboration to define the intellectual concepts of numismatics following the principles of Linked Open Data (LOD). Established in 2010 as a proof of concept, the project has grown considerably since then. While technical aspects of the project have been published at previous CAA conferences, beginning with “Semantic Web Technologies Applied to Numismatic Collections” at CAA 2012 in Southampton, this paper is focused primarily on Nomisma’s evolution as a community, without which these technical achievements would not have been possible. Beginning as an informal discussion about numismatic data standards at the British Museum in 2011, the first official European Coin Find Network – Nomisma joint meeting occurred in Frankfurt the following year with 15 participants. The seventh iteration of this meeting was held earlier this year in València, drawing 60 participants working in Greco-Roman, Medieval European, and Islamic numismatics. Likewise, the Nomisma scientific committee has established discipline-specific working groups, enabling the expansion of the scope of the LOD thesaurus into other periods and cultures beyond its Greco-Roman foundation. Similarly, many international numismatic projects have been built on the Nomisma infrastructure: more than 30 museums and archaeological datasets have contributed data for nearly 200,000 physical specimens to date, a significant enhancement since CAA 2012. This paper will summarize Nomisma’s progress since 2010 with an eye on what the future holds for the project.


HORSNÆS Helle W., The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, The National Museum of Denmark, Copehagen.

Aurei from the Boscoreale Hoard

The paper will present a group of aurei acquired by The Royal Coll. of Coins and Medals in 1896. The provenance of the coins was given as “the Boscoreale find”. The ensemble raises issues about the credibility of the seller’s indications as well as about the published coin lists of the Boscoreale hoard. Furthermore questions about the mysterious red toning said to be a characteristic of aurei from the hoard will be touched upon.


KISSINGER Timo, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

Digitization of text-based coin find data

At the “7th Joint Meeting of Nomisma.org and ECFN 2018” a practical project was presented in the presentation “Converting Germany’s Roman Coin Finds to LOD an exemplary workflow for the FMRD project”, which showed a workflow at an exemplary complex from the series “FundmĂźnzen der rĂśmischen Zeit in Deutschland” (FMRD) which makes it possible to transfer text-based coin data into the Semantic Web. Meanwhile, this practical project has become a master thesis. The coin finds from the Trier cathedral excavation are treated as an exemplary coin find complex. Within the scope of the practical project, the workflow consisted of converting the coin data from a PDF into the final format RDF. Various intermediate steps via CSV and XML made it possible to prepare the data. Most of these steps had been solved manually. Now a pipeline is being built, which transfers the coin data from a PDF to RDF via the ontology of Nomisma.org, purely script-based. In the context of this presentation, the difficulties that occurred during the data extraction from the PDF are to be pointed out in particular. There are several tools available that allow you to capture and extract text and tables, but they quickly reach their limits with coin data. Furthermore, scripts specially designed for coin find data have to be written to capture the data correctly.


LOCKYEAR Kris, Institute of Archaeology, University College London,

AAGAARD HANSEN Sven, Copenhagen, 

MÄRCHER Michael, Copenhagen.

The Lohe Hoard Revisited

The Lohe hoard was found in 1937 and consisted of 18,217 coins along with other artefacts and papers.  It was buried under the floor of a house in Stockholm in c.1742/3 and mainly contained silver coins from 1664—1741.

This hoard was made famous by Bengt Thordeman’s analysis of it published in the Numismatic Chronicle in 1948. By comparing the contents of the hoard with the mint records, he was able to demonstrate a close correlation between the mint records and the contents of the hoard. He was also able to suggest that the quantity of coinage lost each year was about 2%. These observations have become known as “Thordeman’s Law.”

Unfortunately, Thordeman’s paper has some weaknesses. He did not publish the figures on which his calculations are based, and the mint records did not differentiate between the one- two- and four-mark denominations prior to 1698. As a result, his loss rate is an estimate for the loss in value, not in specie. The representativeness of a hoard is determined by how random a sample of coinage in circulation it is, but how could a massive hoard like Lohe be a “random sample”? 

This paper re-examines the Thordeman’s work in the light of our current understanding of the dynamics of coin circulation and provides a more nuanced interpretation of the hoard with new estimates of the loss rate. We conclude that “Thordeman’s Law” should be regarded as more of a general principle, and that principle has many caveats.


MIŠKEC Alenka, National Museum of Slovenia, 

Ĺ EMROV Andrej, National Museum of Slovenia.

New votive finds of coins in the area of northwestern Slovenia

In recent years the staff of the Numismatic Cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia have managed to document several Roman Age finds of votive offerings from the area of Gorenjska in ancient Regio X Venetia et Histria. In spite of the fact that several architectural remains of a votive nature have been found in the territory of Slovenia, to date only one site has been published comprehensively. Votive finds an be divided into three period groups:

– [offerings related to the construction of a building];

– pre-Augustan/Augustan periods – 4th/5th centuries;

– 3rd/3rd-4th centuries;

– 4th-5th centuries.


PRAG Jonathan, Merton College, University of Oxford, 

PUGLISI Mariangela, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina.

I.Num.Sic (Inscriptiones Numorum Siciliae): pilot phase

This paper will present the current state of development of the pilot phase of I.Num.Sic., a project to build a digital corpus of the coin legends of ancient Sicily. The aim of the project is to employ the current state of the art in the application of TEI-XML (EpiDoc: https://sourceforge.net/p/epidoc/wiki/Home/) to the recording of textual elements on individual coins. Such an approach will facilitate the detailed study of text use across the numismatic material, including analysis of language, palaeography and grammar. The project operates in parallel to the I.Sicily (Inscriptions of Sicily) project (http://sicily.classics.ox.ac.uk), and is part of a larger ambition to study textual culture in all forms in ancient Sicily. Linked Open Data standards are still under development in digital epigraphy, but TEI-XML lends itself well to ensuring alignment with the nomisma standards as appropriate. The pilot, working with material from the site of Halaesa (Tusa (ME), currently the focus of excavation by the Universities of Oxford and Messina) provides the opportunity to confront a number of basic challenges regarding data and identity hierarchies, and methods of recording aspects of textual data that are more or less specific to coinage: these include the problems of obverse and reverse dies, variation within issues, monograms and other textual symbols, location of multiple distinct text elements. The current state of the pilot will be presented, together with discussion of key challenges and possible solutions.


ROWAN Clare, University of Warwick.

Numismatic micro histories: locating and representing tokens in Roman Italy

Research into the find locations of lead tokens in Italy demonstrates that the use of these objects appears to be concentrated in the central and northern areas of the region. By contrast, Sicily is characterised by the use of clay tokens. This paper presents the latest research on tokens and their find spots in Roman Italy, including a selection of the most important new types and unpublished find spots, in particular the unpublished collection housed at the Museo Nazionale Palestrina as well as the finds information obtained from unpublished archival records at Ostia. Close analysis of this data confirms the idea that these are monetiform objects produced at a very local level; in this sense they contribute to micro-histories of particular buildings, city regions and social groupings. The finds data also demonstrate that tokens very rarely move from the region they were produced in, although the movement of lead tokens from Egypt to Italy cannot be ruled out.

This data is currently being entered into a Numishare database using the Nomisma ontology. The two collections (types and specimens) will be made available to the conference participants; the data set contains a mix of very specific and very general finds information, as well as specimens too worn to be connected to a particular token type. This type of data raises questions about disciplinary best practice for representation online (at least for the speaker!) and it is hoped that the conference audience can provide insight and guidance in this area.


SAPIENZA Anna, DiCAM, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Messina.

The analysis of the triskeles through the Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity (DIANA) (Poster)

The present work analyzes the image of the triskeles according to the scientific method, of the Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae, with the support of DIANA (Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity). This scientific investigation highlights a great diffusion of this subject as main type and as symbol on a great number of numismatic documents, from the 6th cent. B.C.  to the 1st cent. A.D. This method emphasizes its diatopic distribution through a diachronic analysis, thanks to digital maps.


SCHLAPKE Mario, Thßringisches Landesamt fßr Denkmalpflege und Archäologie, Weimar.

Steps to the new KENOM: Normdata mapping with cocoda, and a new presentation of coin finds from Thuringia

The KENOM project plans to update the data input and portals.

Two aspects of this work will be presented: The joint mapping of the extensive local word lists to normdata (GND/WD/nomisma) or directly to the IKMK vocabularies in DANTE using cocoda (). 

For the coin finds we are working on a prototype, which will show the find complexes and coins from Thuringia in a modern “culture portal” . It shows the possibilities to automatically enrich data by using normdata and the mapping of protected find points as general “areas of interest”.


SPAGNOLI Emanuela, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”.

Archivi condivisi e “memorie dinamiche”. Riflessione su una esperienza in corso.

Si sono avviate con una campagna quadrimestrale (2017), e poi trimestrale (2018), le operazioni di ricognizione, schedatura e studio numismatico di due complessi documentali in Campania. Le attività sono state disciplinate nel contesto di un accordo-quadro tra l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, cattedra di Numismatica e i due distinti referenti. In un solo caso la ricerca ha trovato un finanziamento esterno, su base regionale. Nell’altro caso si è potuto invece contare su un piccolo finanziamento dipartimentale. Hanno partecipato alle indagini laureati, specializzandi e dottorandi in Numismatica, con il coordinamento scientifico ed operativo di E. Spagnoli e di M. Taliercio (UniNA, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici).
La ricerca è stata impostata a partire da motivate esigenze di conoscibilità e documentazione dei reperti numismatici e delle specifiche relazioni di contesto, ed è finalizzata alla ricostruzione storica e archeologica e alla programmazione di interventi di tutela e valorizzazione. Il progetto ha mirato a rendere condivise le attività di catalogazione, documentazione e studio, con chiavi di accesso differenziate anche in vista di un futuro di open access, secondo un principio di implementazione dinamica, di revisione peer-to-peer, con validazione dei dati raccolti e processati, e di contestuale archiviazione di meta-dati. Il sistema di archiviazione digitale gira su Google e sfrutta le potenzialità di storage illimitato di Google Foto. Le condizioni di budget ristretto e l’esigenza di remunerare tutti i collaboratori hanno trovato, nonostante alcuni ‘paletti’ gestionali, un punto di intesa proficuo e suscettibile di futuri sviluppi.

Si presenta una sintetica narrazione dei principali nodi critici di questa specifica esperienza di ricerca, secondo il piano di workflow, delle procedure e schemi di metadati, con soluzioni facilmente riproducibili; si prospettano infine alcune configurazioni dei piani di edizione dello studio numismatico, ancora in corso.


TERMEER Marleen, University of Amsterdam,

KISJES Ivan, University of Amsterdam.

The first coinage in the Roman world online (Poster)

The first coinage in the Roman world includes Rome’s own pre-denarius coinage, but also a range of other coinages produced by Roman allies, colonies and other communities on the Italian peninsula. Further study of these coinages is necessary to better answer fundamental questions about why and how coinage entered the Roman world (cf. Bernard 2018). However, thus far, scholarship on these coinages has been included only to a relatively limited extent in existing online initiatives. In this poster, we present our plans to make this material better accessible online.

As part of Termeer’s postdoctoral project “Coining Roman Rule? The emergence of coinage as money in the Roman world” (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research VENI scheme), we intend to initiate two interlinked online initiatives. First, we aim to digitize data on coin production that are now only available in print in Historia Numorum, Italy, and make them available online, in a way similar to the Coinage of the Roman Republic Online. Second, published data on coin finds will be gathered and published online. The initial focus will be on material and contexts dated to the 3rd century BCE from the regions of Latium, Etruria, Umbria and Samnium, but we are open to include more data gathered by other scholars. During the meeting we would like to present these plans and discuss them with colleagues in order to ensure that they are further developed to the benefit of as wide an audience as possible.


TOLLE Karsten, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main,

ULRIKE Peter, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Corpus Nummorum – Coins and Types and improvements of Data Quality

The Corpus Nummorum Thracorum portal is a database for Thracian coins, for the dies these coins were minted with and for the coin types. Since last year we have the opportunity to publish also the coins collected in Berlin of three neighbouring regions: Moesia inferior, Mysia and the Troas. These coins will be preferable arranged by types. In order to handle a huge dataset and ensure a high quality of data we very much rely on computer assisted help.

Live demonstration of our Data Quality rule system based on SPARQL queries executed on RDF Nomisma Data.


VOJVODA Mirjana, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, 

CRNOBRNJA Adam, National Museum, Belgrade.

The roman coin hoards dated to the time of  Maximinus I from the territory of present-day Serbia. 

From the therritory of present-day Serbia we have a four wel-known hoards of Roman coins, ending with specimens of Maximinus I: Supska II hoard (near Ćuprija), Ravna hoard (from the fortress of Ravna on the Danube), Mehovine hoard (near Šabac) and Sremska Mitrovica hoard. Taking into account the Roman division of the provinces, the hoards from Ravna and Supska (II) originated from the territory of Upper Moesia, while Mehovine and Sremska Mitrovica was the finds from this period deposited in Lower Pannonia.

There are conspicuously few known hoards from the times of Maximinus Thrax in the neighbouring provinces: from Thrace (four hoards), from Lower Moesia (one hoard), from Dacia (not one hoard is known), from Upper Pannonia (one hoard), from Noricum (one hoard). Further westwards, in the territory that in ancient times belonged to Italy, two more finds are known from the times of Maximinus I, the first from near Postojna and the other from the hinterland of Trieste, Monrupino.
Maximinus’ camp was located in Sirmium, the biggest city of the province of Pannonia Inferior already by the end of 235, where he spent most of his time until he set out for Rome with his army in early 238 AD. Except the Sirmium hoard, Mehovine hoard also was closely connected with antic Sirmium.

Since the latest pieces in all four hoards are dated broadly (from January/autumn 236 to the first quarter of 238 AD) the reasons for burying the finds may be different: the terror spread by Maximinus’ agents when collecting the taxes; or the violence of the troops and of the local administration; or with the reactions to the news about the rebellion in Africa and in Rome.


WEISS Christian, Swiss national museum, Zurich.

Medieval Coin finds in Sicily (ca. 827-1246)

In my PhD thesis on the medieval coin finds from Monte Iato, I had the opportunity to  compare them with finds from another 40 Sicilian sites. The data point to separate coin  circulations for the eastern and the western part of Sicily, corresponding to the areas of  Muslim and Christian population.


WIGG–WOLF David, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt am Main.

Modelling Celtic coinage for nomisma.org

This paper will outline the particular challenges involved in modelling Celtic coinage for nomisma.org.