Welcome to the 27th edition of the International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF-2025)

The International Conference on Noise and FLuctuations is a biennial event running since 1968. 

The last 10 conferences in this series were organized in Prague (2003), Salamanca (2005), Tokyo (2007), Pisa (2009), Toronto (2011), Montpellier (2013), Xi’An (2015), Vilnius (2017), Neuchatel (2019) and Grenoble (2023).

The aim of this biennial conference is to bring together specialists in fluctuation and noise phenomena from different fields in science, engineering and business, including material, electronic and optoelectronic devices, sensors, systems and nanostructures, analog and digital circuits and systems, complex systems, biological and biophysical systems, social and financial systems, reliability, to address both fundamental and applied issues.

We invite all researchers and students working in all topics related to noise and fluctuations to submit their abstracts and to partecipate to the conference. 


Besides extremely interesting scientific sessions, with the opportunity to discuss advanced topics with the top scientists in the field of noise and fluctuations, you will also have the opportunity of enjoing the city of Taormina, a jewel nestled within the beautiful Sicilian coast, with monuments dating thousands of years and breathtaking natural panoramas, not to mention excellent food and internationally celebrated desserts! 

ICNF-2025 Sponsors