
Venue and accomodation


The conference will be held in the facilities of the Excelsior Palace Hotel in Taormina (see map below). 

Detalied information about the venue, the accomodation and travel information to reach Taormina wil be published in this page. 

While waiting for the completaion of this page, you can have a look at the venue using the Excelsior Palace official web page:

Please note:

  • The most convinient destination airport to reach Taormina by plane is the Catania international airport (CTA). Detailed information on how to reach Taormina from the Airport of Catania will be published in this page. 
  • Book your hotel accomodation as early as possible! If you wait too much, it might be difficult to find a convenient accomodation at a reasonable price. However, take some time to consider the possibility of adding a couple of days before or after the conference to enjoy Sicily in June! If you can, consider the possibility of renting a car: this will expand both the range of places you can visit (outside conference hours!) and the accomodation opportunities.
  • As much information as possbile about accomodation opportunities an public transport will soon be available in this page.