Extended abstract preparation

Eztended abstract preparation

Extended abstract content and format

Extended abstract

Extended abstracts submitted for review should clearly state: the purpose of the work with its positioning with regard to the state of the art, specific new results and their impact.

Only works that have not been previously published at the time of the conference will be considered. 

Submission of an abstract for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the Committee as an agreement that the work will not be placed in the public domain prior to the conference.

Authors whose abstract will be accepted, will be invited to prepare a full paper for publication on a dedicated special issue of Fluctuation and Noise Letters. 

There will be no associated cost for the publication on Fluctuations and Noise Letters (unless authors specifically opt for the open access option).


Extended abstract format 

Abstract tamplate for Office Word and LaTex can be downloaded below. 
Please note: the length of the extended abstract is set to 3 pages (1 cover page plus 2 content pages). 
Please download and open/print out the file  icnf2025_word_template_v3.pdf (even if you plan to use LaTex)  and use it as a reference for what follows.

The cover page must incude: 

  • the title of the manuscript;
  • the list of authors;
  • indication about whether the submission is relative to an invited paper;
  • the preferred mode of presentaion (oral/poster);
  • a selection (an “x” in the first of one and only one topic for the subject of the contribution. If you are not sure or you believe that the relevant topic is not within the ones explicitly listed, please choose “other/none of the above”.

The actual extended abstract consists of a two pages with a summary of the work and results. 

Extended abstract Templates 

We have prepared templates for  both Word and Latex users.
After typesetting, a 3 pages PDF must be generated (1 cover page+2 content pages) and submitted according to the abstract submission instructions.

Word users

Simply download and edit the file icnf2025_word_template_v3.docx.
For your convenience, you can also download the file icnf2025_word_template_v3.pdf obtained from the .docx tenplate.

Latex users

Latex users can dowbload and unzip the folder icnf2025_latex_template.zip. The latex template employs rather standard packages that, however, are not included and must be locally available. The template works fine when tested in Overleaf “as is”. The PDF output form Overleaf is also inclueded in the zip file. 

Extended abstract submission

Instruction for extended abstract submission are available at this link.


If you have any question, please send an e-mail to icnf2025.info  “AT”  gmail.com