Prof. Luigi Mondello, full professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences of the University of Messina, was yesterday elected President of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) for the three-year period 2026-2028.
Prominent figure and academic reference in the management and organizational activities of the SCI, Prof. Mondello currently holds the role of President of the Analytical Chemistry Division (for the three years 2022-2024), the third largest Division of the company with approximately 790 members including the members of the other Divisions.
The Italian Chemical Society, was founded in 1909 and established as a non-profit organization with R.D. n. 480/1926, is a scientific association which today has over 5700 members, placing itself among the largest European Chemical Societies, whose members carry out their activities in universities and research bodies, in schools, in industries, in public laboratories and private research and control, in the freelance profession. The Italian Chemical Society aims to promote the study and progress of chemistry and its applications, contributing to the cultural and economic growth of the national community, to the improvement of the quality of human life and to the protection of the environment. The SCI today plays a very important role in the process of consolidating the identity of the community of European chemists represented by the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) and the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), and contributes to providing a single European voice and impartial on key policy issues in chemistry and related fields.